Rollbahn FLEXIBLE - NEW!
Rollbahn notebooks are among the most iconic Japanese notebooks of all time. Rollbahn Flexible offers the freedom of a looseleaf with the ease of a spiral. Choose your cover, page type, accessories.. and rearrange them in a flash due to the special ring construction. Especially useful for reordering and organzing pages of notes.
360° Hans cover - large/dark blue
360° Hans cover - large/dark brown
360° fleur cover - large/fleur A (pink)
360° fleur cover - large/fleur B (blue)
Rollbahn FLEXIBLE refill pages - large/grid/cream
Rollbahn FLEXIBLE refill pages - large/ruled/cream
Rollbahn FLEXIBLE refill pages - large/free monthly calendar/cream
Rollbahn FLEXIBLE refill pages - large/pocket pages 'travel'/cream
Rollbahn index sheet - size L / clear
Rollbahn slider case - size L / clear
Rollbahn FLEXIBLE refill pages - large/to-do list/white
Rollbahn bookmark - plain NEW!